Who Needs To File a Tax Return in the U.S.?

March 25, 2022

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When the tax season rolls around, many people ask this question: who is expected to file taxes in the U.S.? The answer might be a bit hard to understand, but basically every person, regardless of their citizenship status (including immigrants with an illegal status), must file their tax returns if they've made income while living inside the country. Resident citizens are actually considered taxpayers by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Every Person Needs to File a Tax Return in the US
Now, every American citizen is supposed to report the sum total of their accrued income, even if a portion of it hasn't been earned within American territory. Those who have been granted their residency, meaning they have a green card or a Social Security Number (SSN), must also file their tax returns, even if the total amount doesn't demand payment. It could still be beneficial if you're an independent worker and your employer has retained taxes from your salary. In these cases, you can ask to have this money refunded during the tax filing process.

Undocumented immigrants who have stayed in the same address within American territory for over 30 days are also expected to file their tax returns. For this purpose, an identification number called the Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) has been available since 1996 for foreign people and people who are not eligible for a Social Security Number (SSN). With it, they can participate in the tax-paying process.

Who Must File Their Taxes in the U.S.?

As mentioned in the paragraphs above, every person is expected to present and file their tax returns regardless of their citizenship status. If a person's income sits below a specific amount, that person may not be obligated to pay federal taxes. They should, however, still file their taxes if they want to make the best of the refundable benefits, even if their tax amount doesn't result in a payment obligation. By filing your taxes, you're already fulfilling your responsibilities.

Why Is It Important to File and Pay Your Taxes?

Taxes are a government's main alternative to make revenue, which makes tax collection a vital process to sustain a country's economy. It allows more investment in valuable areas like healthcare, education, security, public services, and others. With all the tax money, authorities can cover social needs, alleviate the strain caused by emergencies or natural disasters, and financially support the healthcare industry in public health emergencies, like the crisis caused by the COVID-19 outbreak.

Every Person Has a Taxpayer Condition to File a Tax Return in the US

What Happens if I Fail To Pay My Taxes?

If you neglect your tax responsibilities, not only will you be keeping the State from getting the financial support needed to manage the country, you will also be failing at the tax-related commitment that has been assigned to you as a citizen, whether or not you've obtained legal residence within the country.

Every person is limited by a different taxpayer condition. Still, all people are equally obligated to file their taxes, or they could face fines and penalties for tax evasion. Penalties could cover from 5% to 25% of the unpaid taxes for every month in which their tax declaration has been delayed. After a 60-day limit following the deadline to file your tax return, you will have to pay a minimum of $135, or 100% of your pending taxes.

The general recommendation is for taxpayers to seek professional tax planning assistance to avoid any penalty. This would ensure they file their taxes on schedule and prevent errors in the records and documentation. With a professional on your side, you can work through your tax responsibilities more efficiently, whether you're dealing with your company's taxes or your individual taxes.

Every Taxpayer Needs the Help of the Best Certified Tax Preparers

The best way to protect yourself, your business, and your investments is by hiring certified tax preparers to handle your taxes, with a well-structured system that provides the most reliable services and reduces the chances of miscalculations. With such an asset, you can swiftly work through all the necessary calculations to prepare and file your taxes right on time.

Contact a Tax Preparer to File a Tax Return in the US in United Tax & Accounting Group
You can find the best certified tax preparers at United Tax & Accounting Group. We offer the latest technology to calculate all your financial records, as well as your company's, so you can make the best of potential credits and benefits. If you need help and English isn't your first language, you can always count on our Spanish tax preparation services to provide the assistance you need while keeping things easier to understand, helping you fill out all the documentation pertaining to your case. Our tax consultant can help you stay ahead of all your tax responsibilities (individual income taxes, state taxes, local taxes, commercial permits, etc.), maximizing deductions and minimizing your tax responsibilities.

Our accounting services strive for planning, organization, honesty, and efficiency, making them the best solution for established companies, startup businesses, and entrepreneurs. If you want the best assistance to file your tax return on time and without hiccups, you can call (786) 431-5576 or fill out our website's contact form. We'll be happy to help you through the process.

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