What Happens If I File My Taxes After the Deadline?

May 22, 2023

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Tax deadline is pass away. Many taxpayers miss the deadline each year for a number of reasons, losing the chance to file their taxes and to request an extension to do so. Today, our certified tax preparers will instruct you on how to change your payment status so you can stay on schedule with your deadlines as per the regulations set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Woman Wonders What Happens If I File My Taxes After the Deadline?

I Couldn't File My Taxes or Request an Extension, What Can I Do?

If you missed your tax filing deadline and then fail to request an extension, you still need to file your taxes as soon as possible to avoid penalties, especially if you're set to receive a considerable refund out of the taxes that have been retained. Now, those who have gone for more than 60 days without filing or paying their taxes, can be punished with a $435 fine, at the lowest. This is the amount allotted to taxpayers who didn't file their 2020, 2021, and 2022 taxes during the 2023 tax season. If the delay continues and your unpaid status remains unchanged, you'll be expected to pay 100% of the amount corresponding to your taxes.

I Can't File My Taxes Because I Don't Have Sufficient Income

If you don't plan on filing your taxes because your current income sits below the required amount, you need to know that a tax amount has been withheld from the services you've consumed over the year. These retained taxes represent a refund that's only available to taxpayers after they file their taxes, even if they don't make a payment.

Woman Counting Money to Pay Taxes After the Deadline
Each year, the IRS reports over a billion dollars from unclaimed tax refunds. Most of this money comes from people who deem tax filing unnecessary after confirming that the tax amount exceeds their income, forgetting that federal taxes have been withheld from their checks. These people could even qualify for the earned income tax credit. This tax credit is granted to individuals earning less than $12,550 and couples earning less than $25,000. If your current income fits these criteria, filing your taxes would actually help you secure the tax benefits that you're currently missing.

I Don't Know How To File My Taxes

The IRS allows you to file your taxes online via their reliable web portal. Your taxes will be received and processed much more quickly when you file them electronically as opposed to using postal services. On the other hand, if you're not familiar with the process, the assistance of a tax preparer always comes in handy to help you file your taxes correctly. Remember: errors and omissions will make you wait much longer for your refunds.

Our Tax Preparers Help You File Your Taxes on Time

United Tax & Accounting Group has the best tax planning services to help you or your company when it comes to preparing your taxes in an effective manner. Our Spanish-speaking tax preparers also make the process easy to follow for those who don't speak English fluently. We help you make the best of your refunds, and our top-of-the-line technology keeps close track of your tax credits. Lastly, we offer the best at-home tax preparation services to satisfy the demands of all taxpayers in the Florida area. You can count on our reliable system and a track record that continues to grow over the years. Our specialists have what it takes to provide the best accounting and tax preparation services.

Woman Search Consulting to Pay Taxes After the Deadline
With United Tax & Accounting Group, all types of taxpayers will find the most specialized attention. Undocumented immigrants planning to get started with their tax filing process will get the help they need to get everything done according to the country's tax laws.

Don't miss this tax season and seek the assistance of our professional tax preparers! You can call (786) 431-5576 or fill out our website's contact form. Our online chat is also available so you can ask any questions and get more information from our specialists. We'll be happy to help you and your business with everything you need.

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