Recommendations to Help You File Your 2022 Taxes

January 21, 2022

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The year 2021 has come to an end, and now the 2022 tax season is less than 60 days away. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) already started encouraging taxpayers to avoid trouble and make preparations for their annual tax return. It also stressed the importance of verifying payments made in advance corresponding to the child tax credit, the recovery rebate credit, and financial aid payments.

Accountig Office Gives Some Recommendations to Help You File Your 2022 Taxes
Because of this, United Tax & Accounting Group wants to guide you through the steps you need to take in order to be ready for the 2022 tax season. These recommendations will help you file your taxes on schedule with the assistance of our certified tax preparers.

Keep All Documentation and Tax Records in Order

To ensure a successful process, you need to have all the documents and tax records at hand, including bills and payment receipts. Make sure to include:
  • The Form W-2 for all the jobs you took during the tax year. This form registers the income you gained as a dependent employee and the amount retained in each of these instances, so it's a very important part of the process.

  • If you're an independent worker, you need to place the Form 1099 to report all the income accrued from professional fees or services offered independently during the taxable period.

  • You also need to locate the records of your virtual currency transactions. These represent expenses and income from gateway apps like Venmo, CashApp, and Zelle; you must list all the apps you used for your transactions in your tax statement.

  • The Form 1095-A listing the transactions made through the Health Insurance Marketplace.

Verify Your Advance Child Tax Credit Payment

The child tax credit was first granted via monthly payments to American families and resident/non-resident immigrants in July 2021. In January 2022, the IRS will send a notice (Letter 6419) with the sum total of advance child tax credit payments you received for 2021. You should keep a backup of this and any other notices you receive from the IRS regarding this credit.

The families that are eligible for this benefit but didn't receive advance payments in 2021, still have the chance to get a single payment with the correct amount after requesting their child tax credit, which they can do while filing their taxes for 2021.

Inmigrant Asks for Recommendations to Help You File Your 2022 Taxes

Learn How to Request the Recovery Rebate Credit

The Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is an identifier assigned by the IRS to help people who don't have/aren't eligible for a Social Security id through the completion of their tax responsibilities regardless of their migration status. This identification lasts for a certain period of time depending on how it's been used during past tax returns. For example, an ITIN that remained unused during the tax period of 2018, 2019, or 2020 will expire on December 31, 2021. For this reason, you need to check the expiration information in advance to avoid a problem when you need to use the ITIN during the tax season.

Now, if you don't have an ITIN, you can get one by filling out the Form W-7 and sending it to the IRS upon filing your taxes, along with additional documents.

Come to Our Certified Tax Preparers to Get Specialized Assistance

The best way to prepare for the upcoming tax season is with the help of our certified tax preparers. Our professional tax preparation team has all the knowledge and the validation of the Florida Accounting School. We also offer the latest technology to track and organize your records and the finest professional background to help clients in the areas of accounting and tax preparation.

Taxpreparer Brings Recommendations to Help You File Your 2022 Taxes
United Tax & Accounting Group gives clients personalized assistance according to the type of taxpayer they represent, including undocumented immigrants looking to file their taxes as per the country's financial laws. We also have a Spanish tax preparation service to make the process smoother for those unfamiliar with the English language.

You can count on our tax preparation services to file your taxes properly while making the best of all the credits applicable to your taxpayer's status. Call (786) 431-5576 or fill out the contact form on our website. We'll be happy to assist you on everything pertaining to the preparation of your 2022 taxes.

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