How To File Your Taxes in the U.S. for the First Time?

March 22, 2023

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Filing your taxes in the U.S. can be a real challenge if it's your first time and you're not familiar with the steps involved. It can also be harder when you have no frame of reference for the documents and requirements needed in a successful tax return. Now, if you're committed to catching up with your tax obligations, you can get all the relevant information from our certified tax preparers.

Taxpayer Wonder To File Your Taxes in the U.S. for the First Time

How To File Taxes for the First Time?

To get acquainted with the process, you first need to know the type of tax identification that suits you. If you're an American citizen or a legal resident, you can use your Social Security Number, but if you're not a resident or an undocumented immigrant, you need to request an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN). This identification was created to benefit the undocumented population currently living in the country, many of whom have been able to work through their residency status. Keep in mind that requesting this tax identification won't affect your migration conditions in any way. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) takes care of safeguarding the information you provide upon making the request, as per the country's tax laws.

Once you've gathered all the necessary identification documents, your source of income will place you in one out of two specific scenarios. Dependent workers or in other words, people who work on a company's payroll, need to ask their employers for Form W-2. In most cases, employers send this form to all employees' emails when the taxable period ends, as the document is mandatory to complete the tax filing process. Form W-2 records all the income and monthly wages that the taxpayer has received while working for the company, along with the amounts retained during the taxable year.

It's important to mention that you need to request separate forms if you've worked in two or more companies over the course of the year. Each form will help you qualify for a refund corresponding to federal taxes, social security taxes, and other taxes that are usually retained by the employer.

Taxpayer Files Taxes in the U.S. for the First Time
The second scenario is for those who work independently. If this is the case for you, you need to contact each place you've worked with over the year and request Form 1099. Form 1099 records all the income you've accrued after working for a third-party entity, along with the amount of money retained in each case. Many companies outsource services without issuing form 1099 when the total amount stays below $600 per service. You should still request the form because you'll be asked to list all the income you've earned during the taxable period.

What's the Deadline to File Taxes for the First Time?

If you're filing your taxes for the first time, you should know that the 2023 tax season began on January 23 and it's set to end on April 15. That's your deadline to file your tax returns, but if you fail to do so on time, you can ask for an extension that would move the deadline to October 16. We need to clarify that you're still obligated to pay your taxes before April 15, even after requesting the extension. To make the request, you need to pay a portion of the amount corresponding to your taxes. The remaining amount must be paid within the timeframe indicated on the extension until you've covered the total tax amount.

Let Our Tax Preparers Help You File Your Taxes for the First Time

United Tax & Accounting Group wants to offer the best tax preparation service from the best tax preparers. in the industry. You can get started from the comfort of your own home, and we can communicate with you in Spanish if you're not familiar with the English language while navigating the process for the first time. Our at-home tax preparation service is designed to satisfy the demands of all taxpayers in Florida. You can count on the latest technology to monitor your tax credits and the most advanced organization system to excel in any area of accounting and tax preparation.

Taxpreparer Consultant How to File Taxes in the U.S. for the First Time
At United Tax & Accounting Group, you'll find personalized assistance. We serve all types of taxpayers, including undocumented immigrants wishing to start filing their taxes according to the country's laws.

File your taxes for the first time without leaving the comfort of your home! You just need to schedule an appointment with our tax preparers and we won't keep you waiting. Just call (786) 431-5576 or fill out our website's contact form. You can also send a message to our live chat and we'll answer any of your questions. Our specialists are always happy to assist you and your company.

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